Simon’s First Birthday at San Francisco Zoo

Day 365 = ONE year! = March 2, 2011


To start out the morning right, Simon had a healthy protein rich breakfast of scrambled eggs. At least, that’s what we hoped he would eat, he didn’t like them very much and only ate a few bites. He doesn’t seem to enjoy anything with a mushy or spongy texture.

But he’s still loving his strawberries.

Our little Superman is all dressed up for his birthday.

We decided to spend the day at the San Francisco Zoo. It happened to be free admission for San Francisco Residents today. Lucky us. It was a bit drizzly and cold but Simon was bundled up and wearing his ski hat.

His attention is focused on this giraffe having some lunch.

Simon and his pal Ziggy checked out some real zebras. The zebras are hiding out in the back underneath the trees because of the rain.

Simon found the penguins interesting. I found them a bit stinky.

We checked out the tigers that were let inside to warm up.

He wasn’t very interested in the peacocks roaming about.

We stopped for lunch at Lemur Cafe.

He was amused by me being on the other side of the glass window.

Daddy Ron’s blue sweatshirt acts as camouflage for Simon the peacock.

A photo opportunity during a break in the rain.

Simon very excited about the turtles.

Goodbye San Francisco Zoo! Thank you for a wonderful day!

Simon exhausted after a day at the zoo.

I can’t believe our little man is already one years old! We love you!

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