Tahoe Tot Spot

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Before heading back home from South Lake Tahoe, we did some activities with the kids to tire them out so hopefully they would nap a bit on the car ride home. Our hotel offers some kid activities in the “Cub Room” so we did a fuse beads class. Simon really enjoyed it and was very concentrated during the entire activity. Basically you put these beads on a template in any color combination you would like then it gets ironed to heat it and melt it together. It “fuses” into the shape you created.

Simon was very happy with the cat he created.

Aterwards we went back to the room to pack up and check out. Iris slept in really late as she hasn’t been sleeping soundly plus got a lot of exercise yesterday. But she was all energetic as we left. She loves walking by herself down the hall and patiently waits for the elevator door to open then goes right in.

We went to the Tahoe Tot Spot for the kids to play until we had lunch. They had open play for $10 per child, siblings only $5. Both kids enjoyed the ball pit.

And the “drama” or “pretend play” area where they had a grocery, kitchen, dress-up, and train table.

We ended up the “gym” area where there are things like a tot sized roller coaster, pop up tents, hula hoops, balance beams, etc.

A well spent $15 for almost 2 hours of fun. Including a good lunch suggestion at Sprouts Cafe. Everything is very healthy and refreshing. But it’s not the place to go if you’re looking for pork, chicken, or beef. From what I can tell on the menu, their only “meat” are tuna and turkey. I had the tuna salad Niçoise which was enough for me. Iris ate my entire boiled egg and tried an olive (probably thinking it was a grape) and chewed on it for a few seconds before spitting it directly into her hand and handing the chewed up olive pieces to me…

Both kids had a good long nap on the way back home.

It’s nice to get away for a few days. We are looking forward to going back when there is snow!

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