Tentative Steps

Day 336 = February 1, 2011

Simon seems to be getting sick again, a little stuffy nose and intermittent cough. He had a rough time with sleep since he had a hard time breathing.

Simon’s Outfit of the Day. Batman! I’ve finally packed up some of Simon’s clothes since he can no longer fit them and I just washed all his new clothes so he’ll have lots of new outfits to showcase. Thank you to Sabrina and Min for this T-shirt. When we first got it, I couldn’t imagine the time when Simon could fit into it, I can’t believe that time has come so soon.

He’s been a bit of a picky eater today as well. The Grape Divide… when given the choice of blueberries and grapes…

He chooses all the grapes and leaves most of the blueberries.

Simon had an exciting evening today with taking some of his first steps! Ron and I were super excited. He’s been teasing us with standing up by himself and using his car to take steps… and today he finally took some independent steps before falling into Ron’s arms.

Just a little more practice and we think he’ll be able to walk confidently.

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