Tether for sippy cup

Day 303 = December 30, 2010

Ron experimented with a sippy cup tether in hopes that Simon wouldn’t be able to toss his sippy cup to the ground. He looks kind of confused… and kind of funny because he has food on his face. Looks like he also has too much food in his bowl… taro bread, meatballs, and blueberries.

Looks like he is more interested in playing with the sippy cup tether than with eating.

We attending a private group cooking class tonight with a chef who works for Raw Satisfaction. Well, I was watching Simon while everyone else cooked.

When we are away from home it can be a challenge to entertain Simon when he doesn’t have his own toys. I am playing peek-a-boo with Simon around this sofa. He’s standing so straight and without much support, I keep on thinking he’ll walk soon but I don’t think he’s ready to let go yet.

I love how Simon is just leaning up against the chaise. He just looks like he’s relaxing (and watching TV).

These are the ingredients for the meal tonight.

These are like gnocchi but Mexican style (since the chef was from Mexico). It’s swiss chard, ricotta cheese, flour, eggs, nutmeg, salt, and pepper. Pretty simple yet pretty tasty. It is topped with fried sage and sage butter and some cheese.

This is minestrone soup. Very hearty.

Bruschetta with roasted red beets and cheese. I love red beets but I’ve usually had the ones from the can or jar. The freshly roasted is so much better and so easy to make. You just cut off the ends, rub it in olive oil, put some salt and roast until tender. Then you peel and slice how you like it.

After a while, Simon got really tired and cranky so fell asleep when I rocked him in a dark corner of the room. I couldn’t finish my dinner while holding him so we fashioned this bed on the sofa and barricaded him in so that if he woke up, he wouldn’t roll off on the floor.

The main course of the night was spaghetti with spicy sausage, cauliflower, and celery.

We also had a date and walnut cake that didn’t finish baking by the time the chef had to leave. It is supposed to have an orange ricotta topping. We had to go home early to put Simon to bed and myself since I am going to work in the morning for a few hours. A last minute decision but for the safety of our patients.

The verdict on the cooking class? It took much longer than anticipated and it can be hard when it’s not your own kitchen so you don’t have all the supplies necessary. The only really unique recipe was the gnocchi but the rest the chef was following from printouts. Don’t get me wrong, they were delicious but the gnocchi outshone all the others. He said it was his family’s recipe so that also made it extra special. I’m not sure if it’s something we would do again but it was an interesting experience with friends.

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