The Incredible Sleeping Baby

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

After our long day on Saturday, Iris slept an amazing 8 hours straight! She was probably exhausted from not being able to nap most of the day. I had a much needed rest too. I was hoping she would repeat this amazing feat again but the longest duration she had slept the last two nights is 5.5 hours. Understandably, baby has to eat to grow.

Simon and Ron had a day out together on Sunday but before heading out, we had breakfast and Simon acting silly.


Iris and I spent our day together going to the library, walking in the park, and shopping at Target and the farmers market. Here we are taking a rest at the gazebo at Civic Park in Walnut Creek.

Sleeping peacefully on our walk.

Lately, this little girl enjoys finishing her bath. She’s a little upset during the bath.


Monday’s kiddo photos
Tummy time

Simon after swim class. It was cold and windy outside so once he was out if the warm pool, he needed his robe. The boiler to heat the showers is being replaced so right now the shower water is really cold. So there’s not really any other way to warm up except remove wet swim clothes ASAP and get in dry clothes.


Almost time to train her sitting up.

Today’s kiddo photos:
Getting ready to hop in the pool. Simon in the blue swim shirt and shorts.

The instructors play a game of “Simon Says” at the beginning of each lesson and Simon chimes in for the whole routine:
“Simon says: get your shoulders wet
Simon says: get your chin wet
Simon says: get your cheek wet
Simon says: get your other cheek wet
Simon says: get your nose wet
Simon says: get your forehead wet
Simon says: if you can do a bob, then do a bob!”
I always wonder what he thinks about this game… I just hold he doesn’t think the world revolves around him.

Iris hasn’t had any really solid naps today so fell asleep quite early for the evening. I’m not sure why she hasn’t been able to sleep today. It might be because she is having a growth spurt since she drank quite a bit of milk from the bottle today. I wonder how long she will sleep tonight.


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