Visiting Great Grandma

April 17, 2011

Today Simon was going to visit great-grandma for the first time. She only speaks Chinese so we needed my parents to take us there. Simon is finally healthy (no cough or runny nose) so this was a good day to pay a visit. First we went to have dim sum with my parents and so that we could also bring great-grandma some dim sum. Simon really liked the meatballs and kept on eating them.

Then we went to Stockton to visit my grandma. She was very surprised and excited to see us. Simon was a little scared but was a good boy and didn’t cry.

Then we visited my pharmacy school before heading to put flowers at the cemetery for my grandfather and great-grandmother.

Then we went to my parents’ house to enjoy the warm weather with goldfish crackers… and beer.

Simon clinking drinks with daddy.

My mom playing with Buddy.

Simon checking out the dogs.

Simon found one of the dogs’ toys interesting and began kicking it around like a soccer ball.

It was a bit windy but a great day to be outside. At least Simon should have gotten enough sun exposure to synthesize some vitamin D today.

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