Friday, February 21, 2014
Ron helped to prepare Simon’s lunch this morning. He baked up the mini corn dogs and some tater tots. I added some apple pear and pickled cucumbers.
So poor Iris had a bad day today. She already had a little cough yesterday but today starting this afternoon, she had a runny nose, sneezing, and a noticeable phlegm filled cough. When I got home from work, her eyes were red and watery and she was a little bit warm. I took her temperature and she measured 99.7 only so I did not give her acetaminophen. She ended up napping on me for a little while.
I took her to have an early bath to have the steam help her congestion and also used the Nose Frida to suck out some of the mucus. I used some Baby Vicks to hopefully soothe her cough a little. Poor baby.
I hope Simon doesn’t get sick!
Iris ended up waking up about every 1-3 hours and needed to be held and walked/rocked to sleep. She felt warmer and measured at 100.5 so we finally gave her a dose to acetaminophen to make her more comfortable. She sucked up all the medicine and a lot of water. I think she knew that it was something to help her. I’m sure we will be up all night taking care of her. It’s so hard to not be able to do much for her other than try to keep her comfortable and give her hugs, pats, and kisses so that she knows we are there for her. She has never been this uncomfortable before, I hope it passes soon.