6 Month Well Baby Visit

Day 190

Who wouldn’t love this messy little face?

Or the silly baby gnawing on his blanket because he is teething?

Then relax with him after his tummy time?

And feel bad for him when he goes to the doctor’s office to get his shots during his 6 month check up?

Simon’s official numbers:

Weight = 18 lbs 13 oz (8.533kg, 71st percentile)

Height = 26 3/4 inches (0.679m, 59th percentile)

Head circumference = 18.1 inches (46cm, 95th percentile)

So he’s got a really big head but is kind of short… at least that is what it seems like. But Simon’s doctor says to not worry about the height percentile since this is the least accurate of the measurements since it depends on how well the medical assistants can stretch the baby on the measuring board. It seems though Simon does have a really big head, he’s already grown out of one of his hats. His weight is okay and is also not going up as fast but he is still gaining weight, my arms can really tell.

He also has a little cold! He’s had a runny nose all day. His first cold. The doctor says this is normal as well since around six months is when the baby has lost most of the maternal antibodies from birth and although breastfeeding helps, we should expect that he has a cold at least once a month which will last for 1-2 weeks each. Poor little guy. But at least he stays home with daddy so doesn’t get exposed to too many germs all the time.

His doctor asked us if Simon was talking and we told her not much anymore. She said this was normal and he probably was in his “observation” mode. Then Simon surprised me and started talking and babbling again this evening. The video is kind of dark because it was from my phone and there’s not much light in the bedroom.

So he survived another round of shots. He’ll need to get the flu shot next month then at his 9 month visit, he won’t need to get anymore shots. He actually needs two shots this year for the flu since it is his first time getting it. Seeing those needles go into his little thighs always makes me cringe.

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