BART to San Francisco

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Today Iris and I had a date with Auntie Vicki. Actually, she was treating me to a belated birthday brunch. I decided to try taking the BART into San Francisco to save on parking and to not have to deal with any traffic. Tip for those who start at North Berkeley BART station and have a stroller or need to use the elevator… the elevator is NOT inside the station! I found out after I already parked my car next to the station. The elevator is across the crosswalk in another parking lot. There are signs but I wasn’t looking since most elevators are inside the station. Once you take the elevator down to the platform, there’s a ticket taker where you can use your Clipper Card or a regular BART card. It was supposed to be Iris’ nap time but she didn’t sleep.


Even inside the train she did not want to sleep and wanted to look out the window.

She finally fell asleep once we reached San Francisco. Unluckily for us, the elevator at Powell St station was out of order so I had to lug everything up the escalator. She fell asleep as I pushed her in the stroller to Nordstrom. We made it just in time to meet Auntie Vicki. While Iris napped, we ordered our lunch and had cocktails.
Crab mac n cheese and steak sandwich. Yummy!

Iris woke up part way through the meal and joined us at the table for her lunch.

After lunch we did some shopping. Selfie in the dressing room.

We had an afternoon snack and coffee before we parted ways. A napoleon and berry galette.

Thank you Vicki for a wonderful day!

We even brought home a surprise for big brother Simon, a belated Christmas gift from Auntie Vicki and Uncle David. Simon loves it!

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