Burke Williams Spa and Jody Maroni’s

I spent a relaxing morning at the Burke Williams Spa. For Christmas, Ron presented me a package of pregnancy massages and this was my first visit. I’ve had one previous massage while pregnant at La Biang Thai where they have you lie on your side. At Burke Williams, they have a special pillow that has a cut-out in the center for your chest and belly and you are supported by your shoulders and thighs. It was so comfortable! I miss being able to sleep on my stomach… I wish I could get one of those pillows for home!

Included with the pregnancy massage is a complimentary milk bath. It’s a private bath with or without jacuzzi jets and they supply you with cucumbers for your eyes, an ice cold towel, ice cold water to drink, and a platter of fresh cut fruits. It was lovely, I almost fell alseep. The tub is the perfect size for me too so that I’m not in danger of drowning if I slip down too far. I’m looking forward to my next few sessions before baby makes his appearance.

Ron met me for lunch so we just went downstairs to the food court of Westfield. We ended up at Jody Maroni’s which is a sausage sandwich place. It’s in the corner on the Bloomingdale’s side.

I ordered the Kobe Beef Hot Dog… just thought it sounded interesting. It is served on an onion roll. I missed bread… I didn’t allow myself to eat the whole thing though. I couldn’t really tell it was Kobe Beef, just tasted like regular beef so I don’t think I’d pay the extra cost the next time around.

Ron ordered the chicken pomegranate sausage with garlic fries. The sausage is served with grilled onions and peppers. A bit sweet and spicy.

After my morning massage I had a lot more energy, I did four loads of laundry, cleaned up the house, baked, and did some sewing. It was a nice way to end the long weekend.

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