Children’s Fairyland Field Trip

Friday, January 10, 2014

Sleep training for Iris has been pretty nonexistent. She went through a week where she would only wake once per night but then started up again waking 2-3 times per night. So it’s been pretty unpredictable lately and I haven’t had the heart nor energy to let her “cry-it-out” like we did with Simon. I’m afraid of her waking up everyone else in the house and I’m also pretty tired and just not in the mood to work on it. Basically I let her nurse and she will calm down and go back to sleep. Some mornings though, I can’t get her to go back to sleep but I’m awakened by her cutie face which makes me groggily smile no matter what.

Simon’s lunch of pizza rolls, carrots, strawberries, and grapes. Unfortunately, I left Simon’s lunch at home so he ended up having to come home for lunch but at least it was made and ready for him to eat rather than having to cook.

I accompanied Simon’s class to Children’s Fairyland in Oakland today for a field trip. We planned to leave at 9:30am but didn’t end up leaving until after 10am so I had time to look around his classroom and the school. I found a drawing he did this week about our recent trip to Lake Tahoe.

Plus I found his “feather” for the school turkey. I didn’t notice his name until today. Although I do not know what it says. I’ll have to ask Ron to translate…

I drove three other kids and one of the assistant teachers for the field trip and let me just say, it is definitely a challenge with four toddlers in the car trying to talk all at once. I’m glad one of the teachers was with me to help quiet them down. They were just super excited to go on a field trip and some had been to Fairyland before and were excited to go back again. Once we arrived, the kids all had a snack before going inside. It was a good deal for the adults actually, only $4 admission with the field trip rate.

Once inside, the children were greeted by the bubble blower and were super excited to run around catching the bubbles.

There were lots of small buildings for the kids to go in and out of and climb and slide and just run around.

We sat together to watch the puppet show.

Then explored what we could before we had to head back to school. I loved this water fountain, just a bit funny.

Our car buddies.

Sliding down the hill. Simon had a great time here before we had to bring the other kids back to school.

After we dropped the other kids back to school, Simon came home with me for lunch and was supposed to nap and go back to school. But after lunch, he did not nap at all and really did not want to go back to school. My plan for the afternoon was to finish organizing our house so I told him he had two choices, he either had to go back to school so he could hang out with his friends or he could stay home but play in his room by himself while I was cleaning (Iris was being a bit fussy so Annie couldn’t watch both of them). He told me, “I’m sure I want to stay home and play in my room by myself”… so that’s what he did for about two hours before getting antsy and coming to find me. It gave me a good two hours of organizing time and I was actually impressed he was able to entertain himself for two hours. I felt a little guilty for not hanging out with him but there are just times when you need to get things done. Iris’s side of our room has been piled high with boxes since we moved in and I’m not able to sort stuff when she’s sleeping in the room but I’m glad I had some time and got a lot of things done today. I hope this little girl appreciates it!

Above she is in the bean bag chair and it was her first experience trying to move around in it. She couldn’t figure out why she kept on sinking deeper as she pushed with her legs. She still had fun in it.

After the field trip and all the cleaning/organizing, I was not in the mood to cook dinner so Ron picked up food from Pyramid Brewery. He also bought this bottle of Apricot Ale. We had some this evening and saving the rest for Sunday’s football game.

My back was sore from all the box lifting, so I got a night off from bathing Iris. Simon likes to help me pour water over her so today he helped Ron bathe Iris.

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