Chinese New Year Eve Dinner

I thought it’d be a quiet day at work but I was wrong. It was very very busy up until the last half an hour. We had a few last minute orders that had problems so it took a while to clarify things but everything got done in time so that we could close at 1:30pm and everyone could go home to spend time with their family on CNY eve.

Here is our Cancer Centre crew (missing a few people who are on leave or working in the lab downstairs). The girls arranged to have everyone wear red today, I swear that I’m wearing a red skirt 🙂

Ron arranged to have our own Chinese New Year eve dinner at our apartment since there were quite a few people staying in SGP for the holidays and didn’t have family here. He did most of the cooking, I only helped where I could.

Our menu included the following:
Roast duck
Pork bone soup with turnips and pork balls
Lemon chicken
Sweet & sour shrimp
Fried rice
Vegetarian vermicelli
Fresh vegetables with dip
French beans
Kang kong with garlic
Taiwanese style sausage with raw garlic
Steamed fish
Yu sheng with salmon
Fresh fruits
Ice cream
Chinese snacks

We ate quite a lot. See here:

We did our own home “yu sheng”. You can actually buy the ingredients at the grocery store and then add the salmon (or any type of fish). The ingredients are things like fried won tons, pickled ginger, peanuts, sesame seeds, and many other little packages of things that I didn’t recognize. Ron’s classmate Jackson suggested we add some other fresh vegetables because it was pretty colorless so we added carrots and cucumbers and celery.

I hope that everyone enjoyed.

Gung Hay Fat Choy! Gong Xi Fa Cai!

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