Costco and Target Excursions

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Simon’s lunch of BBQ chicken bites, edamame, apples, and a yogurt drink. Simon was really excited about the yogurt drink, see his little hand sneaking in the picture?

Simon’s outfit of the day, a zebra shirt! He received this shirt last year but it was too big. He is definitely growing into his 4T clothes now. This shirt is like having Ziggy with him at school.

I took this morning off work since Annie had to get some dental work done so I took the opportunity to stock up on food by making a trip to Costco and Target with Iris. We got to Costco before it opened but just waited about 10 minutes. We weren’t the only early birds.

We finished our shopping and checking out within 30 minutes. I tried to limit our purchases to what would fit into the stroller cart but still overfilled it. We still managed to exit Costco by stacking two boxes on the glider board that Simon usually stands on. I’m really glad we got the glider board.

Afterwards, we went to Target to buy Simon’s 2% milk with DHA+omega3 (I find it is the best priced at Target and sometimes it is on sale) and since Iris was awake, I decided to let her try sitting in the shopping cart. She was so exited and super happy! Her little feet are all blurry in the picture since she was so excited and swinging her feet back and forth. Loving Target just like Mommy!

Simon’s artwork for the day. He said these are roads of some sort.

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