Drive to South Lake Tahoe

Friday, March 14, 2014

We drove up to South Lake Tahoe where we will be spending the weekend with some friends and family. We left late morning to start the drive up so that we could also stop in Sacramento for lunch. We had lunch at Ramen House Ryujin. We stopped her the last time as well and we really liked it. I had the spicy version this time around. It was good but I think I prefer the white or black tonkotsu ramen.

Iris wasn’t showing any signs of illness on our drive up. She enjoyed sitting outdoors for our lunch.

Our friends joined us on the ride up to Sacramento so Simon was glad to have his friend Caden to sit next to during the car ride and to have lunch and to have frozen yogurt.

We arrived at the Marriott Timber Lodge and were greeted by “Tim Bear”. The kids were so happy to meet him.

I think they were both super excited to be in Lake Tahoe and to be able to hang out together and play in the snow (tomorrow). Here they are jumping for joy to be able to have pretzels!

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