Eating, The Bund, Oriental Pearl Tower, and more eating…

We started out early in the morning and had some fabulous steam buns at a chain place called Babi Foods.

All this for less than 2USD.

We took a long stroll down Nanjing Pedestrian Walkway to all the shopping areas all the way to The Bund. We took the tram through the Sightseeing Tunnel. The tunnel has a whole bunch of flashing lights and props. We read in the guidebook that the ride was kind of corny… and it was.

Our ticket also included entrance into the the Deep Sea World Museum and China Sex Culture Museum. The train and 2 museums for the price of 55RMB (=7.50USD). The Deep Sea World Museum had some fresh water fish and some salt water fish and lots of petrified sea creatures or stuffed ones.

One of the funniest things I found was this poor petrified sea creature that had a frown on its face:

We walked by the Oriental Pearl Tower but decided not to go up because it cost too much money. Instead we went to the nearby Brand Name Supermall to have some dinner at a Thai place. We headed back to the apartment after that but stopped by a wonton place to pick up some soup dumplings and bought some more steamed buns.

Check out the slideshow for more food pictures:

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