Exploring Orchard Road

So I spent most of this morning updating our blog… I’ve finally caught up to today! The first entry is dated August 18th if you want to go that far back to start reading 🙂

But this afternoon I decided to go explore Orchard Rd, probably the most famous shopping (and most expensive) district in SG. I took the MRT but wasn’t exactly sure the shortest route. I ended up transferring twice and taking three different lines (green, purple, and red) but I made it there by myself. It took approximately an hour from my door to bus to the Orchard Rd MRT station.

Oh, yeah, Ron and his classmates were at a class bonding trip with Outward Bound. They left early this morning around 7:45am and wouldn’t be back until around 7pm. So I basically had the whole day to myself to wander around.

The first store I wanted to go to was Borders, just something familiar and to check out their stationary. I ended up getting this book called SHOPSMART SINGAPORE

It seemed to have some pretty good tips and was S$16.

My next destination was the Takashimaya Department Store where the majority of the stores are way too fancy for me (Burberry, Chanel, etc) but I really wanted to go to the Kinokuniya Bookstore. I love their pens and stationary. Also lucky for me they had lots of imported Japanese books. I was lucky to find a beading book focused entirely on Hello Kitty and her friends. I can’t wait to try it! I just need some beads…

I found some nice Sakura Gelly Roll pens, named “Tiara” to use for my card making. These pens are super glittery and will really add some sparkle to my cards.

I spent quite a few hours in the bookstore just wandering around and exploring each corner of the store. I eventually headed down to the basement level 2 to the food area to get some dinner. Stopped by Watson’s (a retail pharmacy) to buy a bath loofa and some more wet towelettes. I checked out their OTC meds (aka General Sale Items or Pharmacy Only Items but Non-Prescription) and was looking at their stool softeners and laxatives. They have things like lactulose for constipation and potassium citrate for alkalanizing urine without a prescription. The lady watching the shelf came up to ask me “are you having a problem with constipation?”. I wanted to laugh because she was so blunt but I just told her that I was a pharmacist from the US and was just checking out their products… hehe 🙂

There is a wonderful food court and Cold Storage grocery store in the basement level 2. I had a hard time choosing what to eat but finally settled on a Korean place called Seoul Street Food because they had duk bok-kee, a chewy rice noodle about the size of a finger in spicy sauce usually with fish cake. I forgot to take pictures before I ate it all, I was too hungry after spending so much time walking around. I also ordered 2 fried chicken skewers with chili sauce. My dinner cost S$6 (S$3 for bowl of noodles and the skewers for 2 for S$3).

I’m pooped now though because again I had to figure out a way back on the MRT and walk the rest of the way home. Ron and our flatmates had already gotten home from their Outward Bound trip. They told me there was an easier way to get to Orchard without having to transfer twice, instead only one transfer, cheaper, and shorter. I’ll have to try it next time.

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