Famous Islamic Restaurant

After a long week of work and a long week of classes, we were looking forward to attending Friday Foody at the Famous Islamic Restaurant near Arab Street.

We took the MRT to Bugis and walked to the restaurant on North Bridge Road. Not many shops were open at this hour and the restaurant itself was quite empty.

They served us these appetizers of chip-like things, lentils, and cucumber appetizers:

We tried 2 different types of mutton (lamb) sides which were very good. The meat was very tender, no “game-y” taste, and very buttery.

The main course was chicken briyani, also available instead with mutton or fish.

It was quite a feast… with way too much rice for me, I could not finish it all. But after eating those carbohydrates, I was even more tired than I started out so we headed home.

It’s been nice to have a relaxing evening at home, spending some time with our flatmates. Exams are coming up for them so they’re going to be stressed out soon.

I’ve started watching the Korean drama “Jewel in the Palace” and I’m not quite hooked yet but it is very suspenseful…

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