Milo Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Today I was let off work a bit early and it was a pretty okay day… so still had some energy to try some baking. Ron had class late and some meetings until 10pm plus our flatmates also had late class so I basically had the apt to myself to make a mess in the kitchen. Our maid came to clean today so I felt kind of bad making a mess… but it’s almost inevitable when I’m baking.

For some reason I’ve had MILO (made by Nestle) on my mind and I’ve never really been a fan of it… it’s kind of a chocolate malt drink. I thought it would sound good as a cookie so I started Googling for some recipes. I only found one or two though so I sort of followed one and added some extra stuff along the way…

Here’s a some great pictures on a step by step recipe. The recipe I sort of followed is here. But I found it too dry so added some eggs and milk and did not use walnuts and used some all-purpose flour and did not follow the shaping directions….

Here is our little convection oven:

Here is the result of my efforts:

They turned out like a breakfast cookie I think with the oatmeal and wholemeal flour. Not bad I think and you can taste and smell MILO!

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