Getting ready for Christmas

Day 285

Today we went to visit at Auntie Patsy’s and Uncle Will’s house. Patsy baked cookies (while I entertained Simon) and we had lunch. Simon had his first up close and personal experience with a Christmas tree. He crawled near it and shook some branches on the way so that some needles fell off. But he seemed more interested in the dust buster Patsy used to vacuum up the dropped needles.

We likely aren’t going to get to a tree this year since we don’t have anywhere to put it. Most of the extra space is taken up by Simon’s toys and strollers. But he’ll have lots of opportunity to take pictures with other people’s trees instead. Simon probably doesn’t understand what Christmas is right now but it’ll be fun to watch as he grows up and gets excited during the season. Right now he gets presents all the time so everyday is Christmas to him!

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