Hai Ky Mi Gia and Ghetto Moving

For breakfast I was craving noodles, so we tried to go to Turtle Tower but the wait was out the door so we went to Hai Ky Mi Gia since they also have great noodle soup. I tried “9A” in soup for the first time. It’s clear glass noodles with chicken, kidney, and vegetables. I love their broth and I really enjoyed this bowl of noodles. The glass noodles are a bit harder to pick up with chopsticks but it’s worth the effort.

Afterwards we went in search of a cat tree for the kitties. We finally found one that was a good price and what we wanted at Pet Source… the only problem was how would we bring it home? Remember we only have one car and it’s a Honda Civic. This cat tree is about 6 feet tall and 2 feet x 2 feet square. Luckily, the guys working at Pet Source that day were willing to help us load it on top of our car and using the packing plastic like plastic wrap, to anchor it on the roof. I was laughing while watching them…

Good thing our apartment wasn’t too far away but if Ron drove too fast and hit a bump or pothole on the road, the cat tree would bounce on the roof and you could hear it bouncing on the roof. But after removing it, there weren’t any dents on the roof, just it was wiped clean.

When we first brought it in the apartment, the cats ignored it. Once we moved it near the window so that they could sit on it and learned they could sit on it to look out the window. But they’re not that intrigued by it yet, I think we’ll need to buy some catnip to entice them a bit more.

Oh, the price? $120, 50% off original price of $240. These things are more expensive than I thought. The other store we went to had smaller ones (only 3 ft) which were $180, so this was a much better deal… plus worth a good laugh.

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