Harvest at Captain Vineyards 2010

Day 249

Today we visited Captain Vineyards for their fall harvest. Since Simon was a bit feverish yesterday, he woke up many times throughout the night so kept us awake. We all ended up sleeping in a little bit longer than usual so didn’t arrive to the vineyard until 9:30am. Simon all dressed up ready for his day at the vineyard.

Since I was taking care of Simon, I couldn’t help with the harvesting so instead, I had some breakfast of some fresh eggs and sausage.

Fresh from the chicken coop.

When we were here earlier this year, these chickens were babies, now they’re all grown.

Most of the crushing of the grapes was done by late morning.

Love this sign…

There were a lot of volunteers this year so the harvesting was finished pretty quickly.

There were a few vines remaining that will be harvested next week.

As always they provide a great BBQ and Ron did the grilling (along with helping earlier with carrying the lugs from the vineyard to the crusher).

Simon spent most of the time observing. He had a short nap. Ate some lunch. Checked out the chickens. Laughed at the dogs barking. And was carried around most of the day by mommy.

Their grapes look nice and juicy.

I look forward to sampling the wine when the time comes.

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