Iris, Happy 4 Months!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Simon’s lunch of pizza rolls, chicken and broccoli pasta salad, white nectarine, edamame, babybel cheese, animal crackers, and a few fruit snacks. I think Simon is eating more lunch, in part, due to the little treats like fruit snacks. I also packed an afternoon snack of apple chips, goldfish, chocolate bunny cookies, and brownie cookies. Only things left were the edamame and pasta salad. I didn’t have time to try making onigiri this week so that will be next week’s goal.

Sweet little Iris this morning. She was surprisingly in a good mood considering she had immunizations yesterday. She was a little warm but not anything close to a fever.

After school, Simon was so happy to see our neighbor’s grandkids. They had started school too so haven’t been over to visit in the last few weeks. Simon wanted to go over and play right away and they were willing to watch him while I went inside to make dinner. I found him in their backyard “fishing” (pool noodle) for “sharks” (pool boogie boards).

One happy camper with his s’mores cupcake.

Iris, happy 4 months!

It was difficult to get a good picture of her with the sign since she kept on grabbing hold and trying to put it into her mouth. Her grip is getting pretty strong and likes to grab onto lots of things like clothing, hair, toys, burp cloths, your finger, etc. She is starting to recognize people and get startled when it’s not who she expects. Like yesterday with the doctor, she kept on staring intently with big eyes as the doctor examined her. She didn’t cry but just stared as the doctor talked and would turn toward me if I said something. She will search for Ron when he says something nearby and give a smile if she sees Daddy looking at her. When I get home from work and picking up Simon, she will also look for me once I start talking to Annie. She kind of bobs her head around, craning to see. Her neck and back aren’t completely strong yet so it’s cute to see her trying so hard to find us. *heart melting*

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