It’s Easy Being Green

Monday, March 17, 2014

I don’t know why Kermit the Frog says it is not easy being green… Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Iris in her green outfit of the day.

Simon was too tired after our weekend trip to Lake Tahoe so really wanted to stay home from school today. He was a really good boy according to Annie. He ate a good lunch, played with Iris and kept quiet when Iris was sleeping, and just rested at home. He didn’t take a nap so was a little irritable in the evening but overall had a good day. These days, Simon has gotten into the habit of “doing work” before he is allowed to do something fun like watching TV. Work usually involves practicing writing or drawing. He did some coloring and drew the pictures below. They are of him riding on a scooter and Caden writing on a scooter. Caden is smaller since he is younger. I thought it was so cute.

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