Ju Shin Jung Korean Charcoal BBQ Restaurant on West Coast Highway

It’s been a tiring week for me. I’m not sure why. But been having trouble getting up in the morning although I’m never late for work, I’m just really tired.

I’ve also just started my Level 3 Mandarin course with a new teacher. I’m not sure what to think of her yet, Song Laoshi, because she seems a little bit impatient with us. She’ll ask us a question but then answer it before we have time to think of the answer. There are only 3 students right now in the class although 6 had signed up. Maybe it’ll be better once the other students show up. I think my Mandarin is improving, at least in me being able to decipher what people are talking about but me being able to talk is still pretty limited.

This week I’ve also been training in the main retail pharmacy, known as “R1”. I’ve been learning what the workflow is like and what medications are available at our pharmacy. There are quite a few medications that are not available in the US so there’s a lot for me to learn. The pharmacy assistants and technicians are all very helpful and friendly so the last few days haven’t been as bad as I thought it would be. Tomorrow is my last day there though then I will be back at the Cancer Centre full-time.

Tomorrow we have breakfast provided by Hospira, a pharmaceutical company, because since they sent a pharmacist from the Philippines to train on aseptic preparation, this is her farewell and thank you breafast. We also have staff appreciation luncheon tomorrow afternoon so tomorrow is a lot of free food 😛

Speaking of food, it was raining when I was about to leave work today so Ron kindly grabbed a taxi to pick me up and we went out to dinner. We went to Yess Centre on West Coast Highway to Ju Shin Jung Korean Charcoal BBQ Restaurant. Ron had previously been there for someone’s birthday and said it was pretty good.

I can say I am pleasantly stuffed… if maybe a bit too stuffed. I love the Korean side dishes. The meat was also marinated very well and pretty tender. They kindly BBQ for you and the service is quite fast. We enjoyed a small bottle of Bohae plum wine so I’m feeling quite content right now. It was a good meal (although a bit expensive, around SGD$115 for 2 persons).

There are too many side dishes for me to post, so check out the slideshow below for all the wonderful food and drink(or click here):

Tomorrow, we (Ron, Joyce, Alex, and Kevin-NUS grad student) are going to Bintan, Indonesia for a short weekend trip. I can’t wait. Will keep you updated on how the place is. It’s apparently very popular with expats and it’s amazing that we haven’t gone there yet since it’s so close, only a 45-50 minute ferry ride from Singapore.

I hope to get a bit tan… I think I’m becoming paler by the minute…

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