Maxwell Returns

While we were in Singapore, our cats Tiramisu (Misu) and Mochi were taken care of by our friends Jane and Tony then my parents while Maxwell was cared for by Isabell and Jason. Jason is one of the docs I worked with and when he heard of my difficulties with finding a caregiver for Maxwell, he and his wife offered to take him in. I am extremely grateful to them for taking good care of Maxwell and welcoming him into their home. Apparently, Max didn’t like their other two cats very much but got along great with the humans! He’s always been more of a *people* cat.

Now Maxwell is back with us. He does not like Mochi and Misu very much but even before, he only tolerated them so this isn’t too different… except for more hissing! I hope he’ll adjust okay but he seems to enjoy his old toy, Nanook the beanie baby.

He’s becoming an old man, already 9 years old!

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