Meditating Simon

Day 225

I love this picture Ron took this morning of Simon right after he finished drinking his milk. Looks like he is meditating… OHM…

Simon went to visit grandma since she just got back from a trip. He’s turning around to check her out.

Simon makes attempts to crawl but prefers to move about by moving on his butt. Well, actually he prefers us carrying him around but he can sort of move forward but getting on his hands and knees, pivoting a little, then landing on his bottom again in a different location. Here he is showing you he can move from crawling position to sitting and reverse.

Simon naps in the car with daddy while waiting for me until I get off work since we were going out for dinner tonight.

Simon looks uninterested in mommy… instead he is checking out what is inside his diaper bag.

Waiting in the car while waiting for Auntie Vicki and Uncle Alan to meet us for dinner. So Simon took some time to learn how to drive from daddy.

We had dinner at Han Il Kwan, a Korean restaurant. There is a tour bus parking zone right in front and two groups of Korean tourists came in to eat after us so it was good we came before the rush. We hoped for pretty good food since if Koreans eat here, it must be pretty good.

Here is Simon with Auntie Vicki.

Our side dishes for the pork belly. We had the kitchen cook our meats since we didn’t feel like cooking and smelling like BBQ and the waiter suggested it since the chefs probably do it better than us since it is what they do.

Complimentary steamed egg.

Side dish of pancakes, just green onion.

The duk bok kee, chewy rice cakes.

Soft tofu stew, piping hot!

Seafood pajun (pancake). A huge portion.


Needless to say, everything was really good and we were super stuffed!

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