My Tofu House

Today I went out to Fairfield to celebrate two one-year-old birthdays. My friends from pharmacy school threw this big shindig for their daughters, complete with pinata and three cakes! (One main cake and two mini cakes, one for each girl). It was good to catch up with friends and see how much their girls have grown. Unfortunately, the weather was icky so the drive wasn’t so pleasant but it was worth it to join the celebration.

I definitely wasn’t in the mood for cooking so we went out to dinner with our friends. We decided to try out My Tofu House on Geary Blvd. Our friend was in the mood for something warm and soupy so this sounded like the perfect place.

When we arrived, we had to sign up on the clipboard and wait about 15-20 minutes (this was around 7:45pm on a Saturday night), not too bad.

The menu is only two pages so it was easy to make a decision. Also, they do NOT serve beer or wine, just tea and soda. They serve four different appetizers with my favorite being the bean sprouts with tons of garlic.

The rice is cooked in a large stone pot and peas and garbanzo beans are steamed with it.

We ordered the medium spicy combination tofu soup. Really thick with lots of tofu but not that spicy. The tofu was nice and silky. Next time I think we’ll try the “very” spicy.

Each person got a grilled fish, not super crispy so not oily.

The seafood pancake was more on the bready side. It was nicely toasted on the bottom but the top was a bit mushy.

The kalbi was so good! Sweet and carmelized and lots of yummy onions.

The spicy pork portion was huge! The meat was very tender and nicely marinated.

For four people, this was the perfect amount of food. Our only complaint of the night was that it took them too long to refill our tea… otherwise, we were completely stuffed and our tummies were warm and happy.

This restaurant is #9 on the 7×7 The Big Eat SF: 100 Things to Try Before You Die list. I’ll have to go through the list to see how many of these we have already tried… but I do highly recommend My Tofu House.

My Tofu House
4627 Geary Blvd (between 10th & 11th Ave)

1 thought on “My Tofu House

  1. gldnbearz

    Looks delicious. We drive past here all the time, never thought to check it out. Now we will!

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