No More Grapes

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Yesterday, Iris had a rough day with a tummy full of gas. You could hear the bubbles rumbling in her tummy and she had loud burps and uncomfortable poops. The culprit? Red seedless grapes. It was the only unusual thing I ate the day before and in the morning. So I cut it out of my diet and so far, so good today. I hope we really did find the culprit. My little cupcake still has a bit of a mohawk after her bath a few days ago.


Have you ever seen a baby laugh and smile before falling asleep? I remember Simon laughing when he was already asleep but Iris will laugh and smile as she is dozing off. Her eyes will flutter open and closed. It’s brief though so hard to catch in a photo.


Today we took a trip to the park to pick up Simon from his camp. We went a bit early to take a nice stroll and get some fresh air. Here is Iris all ready to go!

During the car ride to the park, she fell asleep and continued to sleep until Simon finished with his camp. Here we are near the manmade lake.

Iris’ neck muscles are slowly getting stronger. Here she is lifting her head a bit during some tummy time. She ends up drooling a bit while on her tummy as she struggles to lift her little big head.

Love for my little boy’s inquisitive eyebrows.


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