Our Itinerary

Ron and I had a wonderful trip around Europe right after his INSEAD graduation. We had only a short time in each place so we hope that we’ll be able to go back again one day. This was our itinerary.

WED, July 2 –> Leave Singapore to Paris, France
THU, July 3 –> Paris & Fontainebleau, France
FRI, July 4 –> Fontainebleau, France
SAT, July 5 –> Paris, France
SUN, July 6 –> Paris, France
MON, July 7 –> Versailles & Paris, France
TUE, July 8 –> Paris, France TO Brussels, Belgium TO Amsterdam, Netherlands
WED, July 9 –> Amsterdam, Netherlands TO Milan, Italy (overnight train)
THU, July 10 –> Milan TO Rome, Italy (overnight train)
FRI, July 11 –> Rome, Italy
SAT, July 12 –> Rome, Italy
SUN, July 13 –> Rome TO Florence, Italy
MON, July 14 –> Florence & Siena, Italy
TUE, July 15 –> Florence & Pisa TO Venice, Italy
WED, July 16 –> Venice & Murano, Italy
THU, July 17 –> Venice, Italy TO Vienna, Austria
FRI, July 18 –> Vienna, Austria
SAT, July 19 –> Vienna TO Salzburg, Austria
SUN, July 20 –> Salzburg & Werfen, Austria TO Munich, Germany
MON, July 21 –> Munich, Germany TO Singapore
TUE, July 22 –> Back in Singapore

Sorry took so long to update about our trip. It’s been a bit of a whirlwind few months.

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