Radio Disney at Blackhawk Plaza and Civic Park

Thursday, August 15, 2013

No more summer camp means Mommy daycare for Simon. We’ve had a busy two days with more to come before Simon starts preschool.

Wednesday, August 14:
Iris is starting to wiggle around more to move on her back. This is causing a little bald spot on the back if her head. It happened to Simon too so I know there’s not much I can do about it (those pillows don’t help) but I feel sad about it all the same.

Simon checking out Daddy Ron’s fish tank.

Late morning we headed out to Blackhawk Plaza after picking up Grandma Tam. At the plaza, Radio Disney had a free event for kids. They had four small activities to complete in order to get a prize. Here’s the lion’s leap where you race by jumping over the hazard cones.

There was also a spinning wheel and bean bag toss. Then last but not least, a DIY zebra paper bag puppet.

His prizes for completing all activities were a pair of 3D glasses from Planes the movie, a bracelet, and a pencil. After we were done, Grandma Tam treated us to lunch nearby. It was a warm day but comfortable sitting underneath the trees with a slight breeze.

Kids making silly expressions.

Simon played a little in the playground then we went to the market to buy some duck food. Only $1.95 for a little bit of fun for little kids.

Action shot.

Great thing about Blackhawk Plaza’s family restroom: toddler size toilets!

A fun and exhausting day for all. Radio Disney also gave out goodie bags for adults which included red clown noses. They were promoting the Ringling Bros circus coming to town. Simon got a kick out of wearing a red nose.


Thursday, August 15
Iris is getting more coordinated and can grab onto her toys. When she pulls them and music plays, she looks a little startled at first but is slowly figuring out action and reaction.

While Iris was at home resting (she had a fitful night of sleep, waking every 3-4 hours), Simon and I went to Civic Park. First we visited the library for Storytime then had a picnic and then played at the sand park.

Iris sleeping before we left.

Simon enjoying a grilled cheese and SPAM sandwich on flaxseed whole grain bread.

Acting silly while finishing up lunch.

Simon enjoyed playing with another little boy’s transporter truck rather than his own toys.

Little Iris was waiting for us at home with an uncomfortable stomach. A bit constipated so was fussy most of the morning.

But generally she was still smiling and happy to play. You could hear her tummy rumbling so I hope she’s able to get relief soon. More water and fiber for me to help her along.

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