Relaxing at home

Day 165

It feels like we’ve been really busy recently so we wanted to spend the day at home in San Francisco. Simon is sitting on my lap wearing his OOTD. He is almost growing out of these CAL onesies.

We went for a walk to the SF Ferry Plaza Farmer’s Market and picked up some fruits and veggies to make Simon some food. We had been using jarred baby food that we got from my coworker Zoe but I thought I’d try my hand in making my own now. We picked up some yellow squash, white corn, an avocado, and some peaches. I will let you know how that goes.

Here is Simon relaxing at home with Biggie Pooh.

Simon has been giggling quite a bit recently. In this video, he is laughing at Ron while Ron is making funny noises and faces at him. Simon thinks Ron is quite the comedian.

Although I think this may have overstimulated him as he could not fall asleep at bedtime. He took a one hour nap then did not want to go back to sleep. Instead, he wanted to play but only things that didn’t involve too much movement. We propped him on the sofa and let him play with his xylophone. He likes to bang on the keys and likes it when we also play with him at the same time.

Eventually he did get tired again and is back asleep.

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