Simon Day 21 – Tracking objects

When we were at Babies”R”Us the other day, we picked up at little frog rattle for Simon since Ron really liked it. We’ve named him “Froggie” and when Simon is awake, we’ve been shaking it in front of him and we notice that he is tracking better with his eyes now. He’s still a bit cross eyed sometimes but it seems like he is getting better at tracking objects like his toy and at tracking us as we move in and out of his field of vision.

After all the eye exercise, Simon needed a little nap with Froggie.

Simon slept really well last night too. He didn’t seem like he wanted to wake up this morning but after sleeping for four hours straight and having not eaten, I thought it best to wake him so he wouldn’t start crying when he was extremely hungry. After eating, he promptly fell asleep again and slept for another 2 hours, woke again to eat, then slept for another 2 hours which made it 9am. He may have done too much sleeping so didn’t nap again until almost 3pm! So thank goodness he’s being more interactive with toys or else I’d feel bad he was really bored.

He didn’t really get tired again until 9pm. He really likes to have his arm (or arms) near his face. I wonder if they ever fall asleep?

I can’t believe he’s already 3 weeks old! Time seems to flying by…

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