Simon’s back!

Day 291

Smiling Simon has returned!

And I am almost back to normal as well. We even went for a short walk around Union Square and visited the animals for adoption at Macy’s.

We found enough energy to go to my work holiday party for a few hours although Simon fell asleep right before we got there. We are slaves to our sleeping babies… I stayed in our parking spot until Simon woke up then went into the party.

It was an exhausting time for me because Simon just wanted to be held by me. After the party, I was ready for Simon to have an early bedtime. He was overstimulated probably so was ready and excited about his bath because he knows it leads to bedtime. He started to get really cranky around 8pm and when I asked him “are you ready to take a bath?”, he calmed down right away. He waited patiently for the bath water to fill up, had a fun time splashing for a while then getting his bath, then put on his PJs and drank a bottle of milk before going right down to sleep. He was sound asleep within 5 minutes.

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