Simon’s new throne

Day 148

Simon has a new way to lounge, on his throne, a Boppy pillow. We are at his beck and call all the time already but now he can do it in style. Looks comfortable to me.

Then when he is bored of lying on his back, he can use the pillow to learn how to crawl.

Daddy Ron had an appointment today and took Simon with him but during his appointment, Simon was all fussy and was whining most of the time. But as soon as Ron got into the elevator, he konked out. Silly baby.

My favorite video of the day: Simon with his Moo-Moo jingle ball. He either really finds it really fun or really scary. He laughs out loud when he finds it entertaining… or is it laughing out loud because he’s frightened? Sometimes you can’t tell unless you look carefully at his expression. In this case, I think he’s entertained.

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