Sitting up

Day 149

I had a little playtime with Simon in the morning so I had him practice sitting up. He can’t quite do it by himself yet so I used Moo-Moo the cow to kind of prop him up.

He is learning to use his arms to push himself up but he still falls over.

After I went to work, Ron was still a bit tired so had Simon hold his own bottle… just kidding! He’s just practicing keeping the bottle in his mouth.

Simon’s Outfit of the Day (OOTD – Ron’s acronym for Simon’s many wardrobe changes). I love the little footsies and his cute smile.

Ron created a place for Simon to play with his toys. The BUMBO tray isn’t big enough since Simon usually throws the toys off and they end up on the floor and he ends up whining since he can’t reach them. Using the Boppy Pillow makes a bigger space around him so it’s harder to toss the toys on the ground. Simon is accumulating quite a few toys.

Ron and Simon came to visit me at work but had to wait a bit as I finished up a last minute preparation. They waited for me in our waiting room and Ron entertained Simon by rocking him back and forth in his car seat. Apparently he was really entertained with the motion… maybe he’ll like roller coasters in the future.

It was a long day but it’s all worth it to come home to this little guy.

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