Sitting Pretty

Monday, December 2, 2013

I love to sleep on my stomach and apparently Iris likes it too! It was so hard to be comfortable sleeping when I was pregnant since I was not used to sleeping on my back. So glad to be able to sleep in whatever position I want now.

Simon’s simple lunch today. Ham and cheese sandwiches with cucumbers, carrots, strawberries, and a clementine.

All ready for school! Simon wanted to wear this CAL hat to keep his head warm. He got a haircut this weekend so maybe he was a bit cold.

Iris sitting pretty.

I forgot how amazingly fast babies grow up. She’s so strong now and eating pretty well in just two weeks. She’s also getting heavier and she now has 6 teeth (3 very visible and 3 just breaking through).

Simon is growing up too and becoming more independent. He didn’t get upset when I dropped him off at school and is able to verbalize more and tell me about his day at school. He used to just say “it was good” but now tells me about what he did with his classmates and the activities they had in class. Next week they have a field trip and I volunteered to drive and help out so I’m excited about that so I can see how Simon interacts with his classmates and teachers.

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