The Cat Gatekeeper

Day 139

Simon woke up at 6am this morning.  He ate and played for an hour before falling back asleep within 40 minutes and proceeded to sleep for an hour and a half.  It was a bit hard of a day at work because I was still pretty tired but whenever I see his cute little face, I can’t be upset.  These new PJs are from my co-worker Sheila B.  It’s a whole cute set with a hippo hat and cute footsie pants.  I’m sure they’ll be featured here soon.


Recently Simon has become more aware of the cats.  Now he will look intently at them when they are meowing or moving across the floor.  The cats are also becoming more aware of Simon and maybe a bit afraid.  In the following photo, Misu is trying to leave the living room but has to go past Simon.  Simon is staring at Misu and Misu is cowering a bit with his belly flat on the floor.  Even though the gap seems large, Misu is still scared to cross and when he finally does, he scurries as fast as possible.


Simon has been very vocal lately with some new high pitched squeaks.  It’s kind of strange, a bit like bird sounds but also a bit like pig squeals.

Now something non-Simon related.  Ron went for some allergy testing today to find out what he is allergic to.  They did a whole series of skin tests on his right and left arm and as you can see, he tested positive for many allergens.


The most serious allergies include dust mites and oak trees.  But it was good to find out he is not allergic to cats or dogs.  We’ll be purchasing some special pillow cases to keep out the dust mites and will need to clean more often.  Ron will also be trying some fluticasone nasal spray so we’ll see if this helps his stuffy nose and snoring at night.  No more cute videos of Simon and daddy both snoring…

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