Waking up Simon

Day 130

So apparently last night someone messed with our blog and it went down for a while until Ron had time to figure out what went wrong and fixed it.  So now it is fixed and hopefully more secure.  So while I was waiting for Ron to work on our blog, I just spent the morning with Simon.  He let me sleep in a bit later today, until 7:15am.


Simon seems really determined to put his entire hand into his mouth, it’s quite funny to watch but I can’t imagine what his expression will be if he actually achieves stuffing his entire fist into his mouth…

Simon proceeded to take a really long late morning nap that was lasting more than 2 hours.  It was about 11:30am when he went to sleep and we figured he’d be up by 12:30pm so that we could go out to lunch… but he fooled us, he proceeded to sleep until almost 2pm and by then Ron and I were starving so wanted to wake Simon up and didn’t want to make him unhappy either.  We knew he could hear us as he kept on smiling and peeking when Ron was talking to him.  It took over 2 minutes to wake him up. I put socks on his feet and we unwrapped he blanket to finally get him to wake up.

Check out his new outfit from Grandma Tam.  A cute set of a white polo onesie with Mickey Mouse overalls from Walt Disney World.


We finally went to have lunch and also dropped by Costco to pick up a few things.  Surprisingly it wasn’t quite the madhouse it usually is at Costco so we were able to leave quite quickly after picking up a few things.  On our way out we noticed they had signs for “gelato made fresh daily” and it was only $1.50 for three scoops on a waffle cone or $4.99 for a quart to take home.  We couldn’t pass up such a deal and for the cone, you can choose all three flavors: mixed berry, pistachio, and vanilla with chocolate shavings.


Simon had fallen asleep inside Costco so we enjoyed the gelato by ourselves.  In our opinion, the best flavor is the pistachio.  It was a big cone though, I can’t imagine one person finishing the entire thing.  Imagine one person ordering the $1.50 hot dog with drink and the $1.50 three scoop gelato cone?  Only $3 but probably not the most healthy meal… oh well, once in a while indulgence it okay I guess.  I certainly had my carbohydrate quota for the day with the noodles I had for lunch and the amount of carbs in the gelato and waffle cone.

After we got home, we spent the afternoon arranging our living room to better accommodate Simon’s growing amount of toys.  He doesn’t have his own room a lot of his stuff is in our living room.  Only his bed and clothes and boxes of diapers are in our bedroom for now.  It felt surprisingly good to clean and it feels so much more spacious in here even with the addition of Simon’s toys and playmat.  At Costco, we picked up this set of foam mats that interlock to create a bit mat, they were only $13, probably cheaper than if you bought them at a baby store.  I’ll take a picture and post it tomorrow after we finish arranging everything else.  We need to find some sort of toy chest to store all his toys and books.

1 thought on “Waking up Simon

  1. gldnbearz

    Glad to see the blog back up and Simon’s cute little face front & center. We were at Costco yesterday & saw the gelato too. Glad you tried it out for me. hehehehe.

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