Dad’s Birthday at Koi Garden

My dad’s birthday is tomorrow but we celebrated with an extended family dinner tonight at his favorite restaurat Koi Garden. We had a 8 course meal.

A suckling pig prepared like peking duck where you eat the skin with a white bun, green onions, and plum sauce.

Complete with LED cherries.

A deep fried something, I think it was pork wrapped in mu shu skin and coated in batter.

Lettuce wraps, loved the crispy fried bread in the meat mixture.

Scallops in broth.

Shark fin soup made in a coconut.

Abalone, fish stomach, and mustard greens.

Lobster noodles.

Plus there was a fish that I didn’t take a picture of.

We also had cake and these mung bean filled buns in the shape of a peach.

Happy Birthday Dad!

Happy, excited that we’re home to make her dinner.

As always, I leave stuffed after this Chinese banquet.

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