Happy 3-month old birthday!

Day 92

Simon had poor sleep this morning and as a result, so did we.  He woke up at 2am, 4:30am, 5:30am, then 6am.  Reminds me of his newborn days… I hope this doesn’t become a habit.  He was doing so well with sleeping 4-5 hour durations… we will try to get him back on track tonight.  He didn’t have a bath last night nor the night before so maybe he is a bit confused on his bedtime routine.

Oh well, even with lack of sleep, we had lots of plans today, well relatively “lots” since almost everywhere we go takes more time to get ready than it used to.

For lunch, we headed out to lunch in Oakland to meet up with our apartment-mate Justine from Singapore.  Simon had not napped much in the morning so fell asleep in the car ride on the way there but soon woke up when we sat down at our table.  He had only napped about 25 minutes.  We took him out to have Justine hold him and take a photo… we had lunch at Sam Won BBQ House.


Does he look kind of upset?  Well, he kind of was… soon after this photo, Simon started to wail really loudly.  He wanted to go back to sleep.  Ron took him outside to calm him down and took about 15-20 minutes to rock him back to sleep.  After that, he slept for a good 2.5 hours.  So while he slept, we had a nice long lunch.  The restaurant serves lunch specials Monday through Friday which are a pretty good deal for Korean food, only about $10 and it comes with rice and plenty of side dishes.  Also, they do all the cooking in the kitchen so you don’t leave the restaurant smelling like BBQ smoke.  The portion size of the meat for the lunch specials are just enough for one person but my favorite thing for lunch is the bibimbap.

My parents are recently back from vacation and hadn’t seen Simon in a few weeks so we went to visit them in San Ramon.  It was a beautiful day there so Ron took Simon out to their backyard to play for a bit.  At times, Simon is starting to put his feet flat onto the ground (although you can kind of see that his toes are still curled up a bit).


A cute photo of daddy and baby.


Simon with Grandma and Grandpa Tam.


So tonight we are trying to get him back on track with his sleeping so we gave him a bath as soon as we got home, put on bedtime clothes, fed him, and put him to sleep.  It’s a later than normal, about 10pm so we’ll see how he does tonight.

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