Home with daddy

Day 47

Simon stayed home with Ron today while I went to have a massage at Claremont Hotel Club and Spa in Berkeley.  My friend Vicki planned this girls’ day out of relaxation.  I was sad to leave Simon for the day and almost cried as I gave him a kiss goodbye… I didn’t think it would be so hard to leave for just a few hours.  But I knew he would be in good hands with Ron so looked forward to a relaxing day with the girls.

His cute little sleeping face as I left this morning.


We had breakfast at The Bread Garden Bakery (across the street from the Claremont Hotel) and Peet’s Coffee.  The bakery had a bit of a passive-aggressive sign posted on it’s storefront window.


I had a delicious apple turnover and bought some extra cookies for home.  Can’t wait to get into them!


While I was gone, Simon had a visit from Ron’s mom and brother William.  Simon looks a bit concerned…


After I got home around 6pm, Ron’s niece Arial came for a visit and we went to dinner together at Katana-ya.  I wasn’t supposed to eat uni (sea urchin) while I was pregnant so finally got to indulge a bit tonight.

Simon is looking at me and says, “What ARE you eating mommy??”

Also, to note, his baby acne has gotten a lot better, he just has one big pimple above his left eyebrow.

Here is Arial holding Simon.

All in all, a good way to end a beautiful weekend in the bay area. The spa was nice and relaxing (albeit a bit more expensive than I’m used to but a very nice atmosphere) and a good time catching up with girlfriends. Simon and Ron had an eventful day with visiting with family and both should rest well tonight.

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