Misu Hepatic Lipidosis Day 10

This last week I’ve been waking up around 6am, prepare Misu’s three medications, give him his medications and water flush, try to entice him with some wet cat food and when that fails, draw up his tube feeds, warm it in the microwave for 12 seconds, make my coffee, then sit down to feed him while he is sitting in my lap for about 15-20 minutes while I’m having my coffee, give him an additional 10-15 ml of water then let him sit in my lap for an additional 15 minutes to make sure his stomach tolerated the food and water.

My morning routine includes watching Animal Planet’s It’s Me or the Dog from 6:30-7am and Underdog to Wonderdog 7am-8am before heading to work.

Ron feeds him at lunchtime and I usually feed him when I get home from work then Ron will give him his last feeding around 11pm-12am.

Misu had a bit of a setback at lunchtime and vomited everything in his stomach about 30 minutes after Ron finished feeding him. We hope he doesn’t have some sort of obstruction since there were some cat treats he had eaten the day before in what he threw up.

I didn’t realize we were supposed to skip a feeding but gave him half of the required amount of tube feeds when I got back from work. He seemed okay but didn’t want to chance giving him the whole thing.

I hope this incident won’t set his recovery back. His jaundice really does look a lot better and he seems to be gaining weight.

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