@ Spot Lounge once again

We seem to be frequenting this place quite a lot… I guess we just have to finish introducing our friends to the yummy soju cocktails then we’ll stop going there as often… although the yogurt mix wasn’t very good this time around. Very sweet and a bit too thick.

We ordered something new this time around, a sort of stew with beef, tofu, ramen, rice cakes, and spicy broth. If you want it really spicy you have to ask for it or else it comes out kind of bland.

We also tried the seafood pancake but it wasn’t as good as the one we had down the street at Shin Toe Bul Yi.

The stew is something pretty easy to make at home as long as you have some sort of crock pot, electric wok, hot pot, etc. The broth can be bought and you can buy spices and all the ingredients you want.

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